“placid”是一个形容词英文单词,“placid”的音标是 英 [ˈplæsɪd] 美 [ˈplæsɪd],“placid”意思是平静的, 温和的, 沉着的, 平稳的。
1. They condone it 'cause it keeps them placid.
他们默许你 是因为这让人们保持顺从
2. What I need is for all of you placid people to finally start listening.
我想要的就是你们这群安静的人 给我开始认真地听着
3. I mean, we all think of the 1950s as apple pie placid.
我们都把二十世纪五十年代 看作苹果派一样平静
4. He seems quite placid at the moment, but let's put a mirror against his tank.
此刻 它显得十分温和 但让我们试着把镜子放在鱼缸旁
5. The giver of life, light and heat, that looks so placid, is anything but.
太阳 是光 热和生命的起源 看似温柔 实则不然
6. Ginger has lived in the village for ten years, and seems to be a pretty placid, wellbehaved cat.
小姜已经在镇上生活了十年了 看起来像是一只温和乖巧的猫